National Politics

A Schuman plan for the eastern Mediterranean

The EU should look to its own history as it aims to secure its own interests and resolve tensions in the eastern Mediterranean

An election in Belarus: How the West could support a marginalised opposition

In the run-up to a difficult election for President Alexander Lukashenka, the three main opposition candidates have been excluded from the vote and there have been mass arrests. Western countries should try to deter further repression in Belarus without isolating the country

Germany’s belated debate on colonialism

Initiatives designed to change German attitudes towards colonial history will be important in improving Germany’s relations with African countries

Poland under Duda: A divided country, dividing Europe

The Law and Justice party has consolidated its power inside Poland by retaining the presidency – but battles with Brussels and a victory for Biden could cause it trouble

Italy’s chance in Libya

The tide of Libya’s war is turning against renegade general Khalifa Haftar. Italy should seize this opportunity to lead European countries to a harmonised Libya policy

The least predictable Belarusian election in decades

The Belarusian presidential election campaign features at least three candidates the government cannot control or ignore – all of whom have the potential to reach a broad audience.