Nativism in Europe: Survey Results from across Europe
Listen on Mixcloud On 11 July, the Washington-based Pew Research Center released the results of a public opinion survey…
Listen on Mixcloud On 11 July, the Washington-based Pew Research Center released the results of a public opinion survey…
The Spanish have spoken and dealt a blow to Podemos. The stabilising forces in government now have a last chance to take a stronger leadership role in the EU
The unexpected win for the FPÖ in Austria had eurosceptics across the continent proclaiming the righteousness of their cause, but the result betrays a deeper political malaise in Austrian society
In Europe and the US, mainstream politicians are losing ground as they pander to populist fantasies
What does the lack of clear majorities mean for Spanish politics and the EU? How can developments in other EU member states help to explain potential repercussions of the current crisis on the Spanish party system? Black Coffee Morning with José Ignacio Torreblanca and Olaf Wientzek
Where is Poland heading? What EU-instruments could convince the Polish government? Very lively discussion with Piotr Buras and Joachim Bleicker.
Spain's new political parties Podemos and Ciudadanos smash apart old orthodoxies and herald a new era in Spanish politics
No te pierdas la presentación en Barcelona del libro Asaltar los cielos (Ed. Debate) que nos abre la puerta a un análisis objetivo sobre el fenómeno político que ha revolucionado la política y la sociedad española
Cameron and Tsipras portray their countries as victims of the EU and its policies and demand redress, privileges and special conditions
The election results signal a generational change that will have long-lasting consequences