
Western democracies united

With Joe Biden moving into the White House, the United States and Europe should strive for a common China policy

After Abe: How Japan’s new prime minister should handle diplomacy

Shinzo Abe’s aggressive and successful diplomacy has helped make Japan a pillar of liberal democracy and a beneficiary of the rules-based international order. His successor has vowed to protect these interests.

China, Europe, and covid-19 headwinds

China’s attempts to divide Europeans during the crisis, along with its fierce and openly hostile rhetoric targeting the capacity of Western democracy to effectively respond to the health emergency, have served as a wake-up call

Russia showed Turkey and China how to bully the EU

The more meekly the EU handles other powers’ aggressive tactics, the more they will be tempted to imitate each other in novel ways to ignore, challenge, and openly attack European interests

Putting China in its place: Britain prepares to sack Huawei

Whatever good reasons the British government may have to reverse its position on Huawei, the key factor has been a rebellion on its backbenches and a mood of righteous indignation about the behaviour of Xi Jinping’s China