Forget the bear hug: India’s gradual turn from Russia, towards the West
India remains concerned with China above all. Western partners such as the US and the EU are much more useful to New Delhi than is Moscow
India remains concerned with China above all. Western partners such as the US and the EU are much more useful to New Delhi than is Moscow
Mark Leonard welcomes to Pramit Pal Chaudhuri to discuss India as a middle power
La discussione “Corridoio India-Medio Oriente-Europa: tra sfide attuali e potenziale strategico”, organizzata dall’ufficio di Roma dello European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) ed ELEC – European League for Economic Cooperation, avrà luogo, in forma virtuale, mercoledì 12 giugno 2024 dalle ore 16:30 alle ore 18:00 sulla piattaforma Zoom
Il tema di questa edizione de Il Circolo dell’ECFR sarà focalizzato sulle prospettive del corridoio IMEC come ponte economico tra Oriente ed Occidente
Nella sua edizione 2024, il Rome Foreign Policy Club riunisce giovani ricercatori italiani under 40 per costruire ipotesi di scenario che possano supportare la definizione di policy da parte del Ministero per gli Affari Esteri e la Cooperazione Internazionale. L’evento più significativo per l’anno in corso è indubbiamente rappresentato dalle elezioni americane di novembre il cui esito avrà enormi implicazioni su due aspetti cruciali del contesto internazionale: i rapporti con Cina e Sud Globale e le relazioni con Mosca alla luce del conflitto in Ucraina
Ties between Brussels and New Delhi have long struggled to reach their potential. After their respective elections, shared geopolitical concerns about China and common goals on topics from technology to economic security can provide a chance for a reboot
India’s tough stance at the World Trade Organisation’s ministerial conference in Abu Dhabi illustrates emerging economies’ rising resentment towards EU trade policies
A poche settimane dall’inizio della COP28, è tempo di approfondire opportunità di cooperazione tra l’Italia, l’Europa e le monarchie del Golfo, così come sfide per gli interessi italiani ed europei legati a sicurezza energetica e climatica. Conflitti politici sul destino dei combustibili fossili da un lato, possibilità di rafforzare la posizione italiana ed europea nella transizione verde dall’altro. Il contributo delle imprese tra collaborazione pubblico-privato e iniziative cross-business all’insegna della sostenibilità
Plans unveiled at the G20 for a trade corridor linking the EU to India via the Gulf could rival China’s Belt and Road Initiative. But the participants face considerable challenges to ensure its economic viability and secure the necessary financing
The border standoff between China and India illustrates the growing rivalry between the two countries – and the part that other major powers play in it
Europeans have found India’s position on the Ukraine war frustrating. But, although it is dependent on Russia for its arms, and has huge worries about China, India is actually moving inexorably closer to the West
India is changing, and Europe is missing out. A new collection of essays explores India’s economic, domestic and foreign policy prospects
India remains concerned with China above all. Western partners such as the US and the EU are much more useful to New Delhi than is Moscow
Ties between Brussels and New Delhi have long struggled to reach their potential. After their respective elections, shared geopolitical concerns about China and common goals on topics from technology to economic security can provide a chance for a reboot
India’s tough stance at the World Trade Organisation’s ministerial conference in Abu Dhabi illustrates emerging economies’ rising resentment towards EU trade policies
Plans unveiled at the G20 for a trade corridor linking the EU to India via the Gulf could rival China’s Belt and Road Initiative. But the participants face considerable challenges to ensure its economic viability and secure the necessary financing
The border standoff between China and India illustrates the growing rivalry between the two countries – and the part that other major powers play in it
The new US-led economic framework for the Indo-Pacific may have limited power to manage China’s ascendence. But the EU has good reasons to pay attention to the discussions around it
India’s dependency on Russia has left it reluctant to publicly criticise Putin’s war on Ukraine. Rather than pressure India to pick a side, the EU should show India that it is a serious geopolitical partner
Asia’s three largest powers all have a stake in the Russia-Ukraine crisis. China hopes to change the global order, Japan aims to resist this effort, and India is eager not to alienate Russia or the West
The best security guarantees for the EU’s sea lines of communication lie in the convergence between its interests and those of India and the United States
The initial high of announcing AUKUS has faded for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has returned from the United States to face a less congenial domestic agenda
Indians are many, as are their demands, aspirations, and ideas
Mark Leonard welcomes to Pramit Pal Chaudhuri to discuss India as a middle power
Mark Leonard and Alexander Stubb give us their take on this year’s World Economic Forum
Mark Leonard is joined by Pratap Bhanu Mehta to discuss the Indian perspective on order
What does AUKUS mean for the future of transatlantic relations?
What are the prospects for a closer EU-India relationship following the upcoming EU-India Leaders Summit?
La discussione “Corridoio India-Medio Oriente-Europa: tra sfide attuali e potenziale strategico”, organizzata dall’ufficio di Roma dello European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) ed ELEC – European League for Economic Cooperation, avrà luogo, in forma virtuale, mercoledì 12 giugno 2024 dalle ore 16:30 alle ore 18:00 sulla piattaforma Zoom
Il tema di questa edizione de Il Circolo dell’ECFR sarà focalizzato sulle prospettive del corridoio IMEC come ponte economico tra Oriente ed Occidente
Nella sua edizione 2024, il Rome Foreign Policy Club riunisce giovani ricercatori italiani under 40 per costruire ipotesi di scenario che possano supportare la definizione di policy da parte del Ministero per gli Affari Esteri e la Cooperazione Internazionale. L’evento più significativo per l’anno in corso è indubbiamente rappresentato dalle elezioni americane di novembre il cui esito avrà enormi implicazioni su due aspetti cruciali del contesto internazionale: i rapporti con Cina e Sud Globale e le relazioni con Mosca alla luce del conflitto in Ucraina
A poche settimane dall’inizio della COP28, è tempo di approfondire opportunità di cooperazione tra l’Italia, l’Europa e le monarchie del Golfo, così come sfide per gli interessi italiani ed europei legati a sicurezza energetica e climatica. Conflitti politici sul destino dei combustibili fossili da un lato, possibilità di rafforzare la posizione italiana ed europea nella transizione verde dall’altro. Il contributo delle imprese tra collaborazione pubblico-privato e iniziative cross-business all’insegna della sostenibilità
In this session, Pramit Pal Chaudhuri will elaborate on India’s role in shaping the new geopolitics of technology
The ECFR Asia Programme is delighted to invite you to our online webinar which is part of our virtual luncheon series dedicated to the future of India-China relations. …
In our sixth India-China Luncheon Lecture, Professor C. Raja Mohan will discuss the implications of Russia’s war in Ukraine on India’s relations with China, the US, and the EU
In the latest iteration of our India-China Luncheon Series, Jayadeva Ranade will shed light on the Indian perspective of China’s radical policy shift under Xi Jinping
Lt Gen SL Narasimhan will discuss how India can enhance its security and promote its national interest in an unbalanced strategic environment with China.
Over the course of the day, we will discuss how Europe and Asia can redefine the Indo-Pacific in terms compatible with their mutual interests. The 3 sessions will look specifically at trade, connectivity, and the Green Transition