About ECFR

ECFR Berlin office 2008

A short overview about the themes and some of the projects the Berlin ECFR office will be working on in 2008

ECFR makes its pitch in Sofia

ECFR launched its Bulgarian office today with an international conference attended by leading academics and foreign policy thinkers

German Foreign Minister addresses official launch event

In front of a 600-person audience, leading ECFR council members conducted a lively discussion on the future of a common EU foreign policy. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier gave a keynote address.

German Foreign Minister addresses ECFR launch

In his keynote address to ECFR’s Berlin launch conference, Frank-Walter Steinmeier called for a stronger and more united European Union foreign policy

Dare una sola voce all’Europa nel mondo

L’ECFR ? appena nato in Europa per offrire a tutti quegli europei convinti che serva un’Europa forte, attiva, e coesa nel mondo, uno strumento nuovo e moderno che li aiuti a trasformare questa convinzione in realt?