Experts & Staff
Mattia Toaldo

Mattia Toaldo

ECFR Alumni · Senior Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise

Libya, Middle East Peace process, Israeli and Palestinian politics, Migrations, EU policy in the southern Mediterranean


English, French, Italian


Mattia used to work for ECFR as senior policy fellow until January 2018.

The EU Turkey deal: fair and feasible?

Potentially unrealistic vows on readmissions and relocation leave plenty of questions unanswered ahead of EU Council

How migration flows are changing

Migration from the Middle East and Africa to Europe has various drivers, but the conflicts in this part of the world accounts for the…

Make Libya a priority

Germany has a lot to lose if the situation in Libya turns sour, but a lot to gain if diplomacy is given the support to succeed



Russia in Libya: War or Peace?

Europe must use its diplomatic leverage to ensure that increased Russian involvement does not come at the cost of further destabilisation on Europe’s southern border

Security through politics

Europe should not confine itself to adopting a narrow security-driven approach in Libya

Libya, the time to avoid escalation is now

The alternative is the resumption of fighting at the levels of summer 2014, which led to the establishment of ISIS in the country

Has Netanyahu really won?

Losing the cover of the two state solution could pose serious problems for Benyamin Netanyahu

Is the sky falling on Libya?

The ink is barely dry on a new joint statement on Libya. But already the roadmap is under threat from developments on the ground. 



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