Why fighting the “war on terror” in Libya is a mistake
A critique of Libya's “war on terror” and its inevitable complications.
ECFR Alumni · Senior Policy Fellow
Libya, Middle East Peace process, Israeli and Palestinian politics, Migrations, EU policy in the southern Mediterranean
English, French, Italian
Mattia used to work for ECFR as senior policy fellow until January 2018.
A critique of Libya's “war on terror” and its inevitable complications.
ECFR is launching a new “Conflict in Libya” page that gathers all the analysis and the policy recommendations prepared by our experts
No local combatants in the civil war or their regional backers are ready to compromise or land knockout blow
This Q&A is based on a discussion between the author and over 400 experts and interested stakeholders in the Reuter Thompson Global Oil Forum
Europe must to more to aid Libya’s transition
Cos'è e come funziona il nuovo progetto di ECFR, 'Israel-Palestine Two-State Stress Test'? Mattia Toaldo, co-autore, lo spiega e analizza i risultati…
European support for Libya is difficult because of a deteriorating security situation and lack of clear institutions, but it would have an important impact on the region
ECFR’s innovative project Two State Stress Test provides a health-check on whether developments across seven different areas are serving to strain or sustain a possible two-state outcome for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
ECFR's new innovative project – the Two-State Stress Test – provides an annual health-check on whether developments across seven different areas are serving to strain or sustain a possible two-state outcome for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Attempts to close Europe’s borders are counter-productive – legal channels must be opened in exchange for return of illegals
Recent terror attacks in Berlin, Baghdad and Istanbul demonstrate that defeating ISIS militarily is only half the battle
The unity government offers the best chance of stabilising Libya, stemming refugee flows and pushing back ISIS, and Europe should focus on strengthening it
The sixth ECFR Foreign Policy Scorecard highlights the EU’s diminishing ability to influence its neighbours, and the neighbourhood’s growing impact on the EU
How the lessons of Libya can help European policymakers respond to the wider migration crisis
The EU needs to act faster and further in ensuring that Israeli settlements in no way benefit from EU-Israel bilateral relations
The fifth edition of ECFR’s Foreign Policy Scorecard examines EU’s response to a year of crisis
Europe must to more to aid Libya’s transition
How to rebuild the Palestinian national movement
Europe must use its diplomatic leverage to ensure that increased Russian involvement does not come at the cost of further destabilisation on Europe’s southern border
Europe should not confine itself to adopting a narrow security-driven approach in Libya
Ultimately, the road to stability in Libya does pass through Cairo, but most importantly through Tripoli and Misrata
The alternative is the resumption of fighting at the levels of summer 2014, which led to the establishment of ISIS in the country
Losing the cover of the two state solution could pose serious problems for Benyamin Netanyahu
Whether the new EU migration agreement will work and whether it will respect migrants’ rights is an open question with the answer likely to be no
The Maltese plan is less about managing migration and more about reducing the numbers arriving in Europe at any cost
The European Union is not helpless in the face of migration flows from sub-Saharan Africa. Here is how it can act
The ink is barely dry on a new joint statement on Libya. But already the roadmap is under threat from developments on the ground.
Adding NATO to Operation Sophia is unlikely to substantially change the picture – though it won’t hurt. Instead, in the coming months the EU should focus on three policy baskets
In Libya there are very few truly national actors, the vast majority are local players. This guide explains who the players are and what they control
ECFR’s innovative project Two State Stress Test provides a health-check on whether developments across seven different areas are serving to strain or sustain a possible two-state outcome for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Podcast du Black Coffee Morning “Sahel : comment l’intégration régionale peut favoriser la stabilité” du 13/06/2017, animé par Fransje Molenaar, chercheuse à l'Unité…
Podcast du Black Coffee Morning “Quelle stratégie pour l’après-Daech en Irak et en Libye ?” du 10/02, animé par Florence Gaub, Analyste senior…
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard discusses with ECFR's Research Director Jeremy Shapiro and ECFR Policy Fellows Anthony Dworkin & Mattia Toaldo how the EU should respond…
Even while conducting terrorist attacks in Berlin, Istanbul and Baghdad recently, Isis has suffered severe setbacks with the elimination of its territorial presence in Libya…
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard speaks with ECFR policy fellows Ellie Geranmayeh, Julien Barnes-Dacey and Mattia Toaldo, about the recent talks in Vienna where foreign minister…
Listen on Mixcloud After more than a year of efforts, some Libyan factions have signed a UN-backed political agreement
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard speaks with ECFR Visiting Fellow Asli Aydintasbas, ECFR Senior Policy Fellow Mattia Toaldo, and ECFR Board Member and German politician…
BCM du mercredi 17 février portant sur le rôle pour l'Europe dans le règlement de la crise poliique libyenne. Avec Mattia Toaldo, Policy Fellow à…
Listen on Mixcloud Mattia Toaldo, ECFR Policy Fellow, Adam Baron, Visiting Fellow at ECFR, Iona Craig, a British-Irish freelance…
Listen on Mixcloud Riccardo Fabiani, senior analyst at the Eurasia Group, Andrew Lebovich, visiting fellow at ECFR, Mattia Toaldo,…