View from Madrid: No mood for blocking
Spain doesn’t like the deal but, owing to domestic turmoil, may have to go along with it
Spain doesn’t like the deal but, owing to domestic turmoil, may have to go along with it
Spain's new political parties Podemos and Ciudadanos smash apart old orthodoxies and herald a new era in Spanish politics
Spain is seeking to apply the lessons of its previous migration experience to the European response
Questions over Spain's ability to absorb migrants grow after Spanish volte-face on quotas
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s foreign policy, together with former Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero’s, removes the country from the international arena
The Government would have convened Parliament to request extraordinary funds and approve emergency measures
Tsipras chose the wrong allies and his negotiation tactics have shattered trust between the parties
The “third Industrial Revolution” – the digital revolution – is well underway and Europe cannot afford to miss it
Cameron and Tsipras portray their countries as victims of the EU and its policies and demand redress, privileges and special conditions
During the last four years, Cameron has performed all kinds of juggling acts to simultaneously keep three balls in the air with two hands