José Ignacio Torreblanca

(Limited) freedom of movement

The EU must not confuse the subjects of counter-terrorism and migration

Tsipras’s Mistake

Tsipras's first task should have been to find the higher political reasoning to encourage the extension of the bailout programme in favour of Greece

The Israeli Spell

The policy of Benjamin Netanyahu is far from ensuring security for Israel

In the name of Europe

The EU needs a strategy which links its values and its interests

Bibi and the bomb

That Netanyahu can vehemently denounce the nuclear agreement with Iran but keep his nuclear arsenal out of public debate is a miracle of biblical proportions

Brussels has fallen

Internal divisions and external challenges threaten the continued survival of the European Union. 

Arming Ukraine is a bad idea

Ukraine is the victim of Russian aggression, but Europe must play its own game, not Russia’s

Greece: So yes, yes you can

Last night's victory for Syriza shows that it is possible for a party system in Southern Europe to collapse as a result of a grave mismanagement of the crisis