José Ignacio Torreblanca

A Kosovan eye-opener

There is no way back from Kosovo’s declaration of independence – we must accept this and start helping to build a prosperous nation

Orlando’s refusal

Spain’s policy on Cuba it’s a wait-and-see attitude, and not an absurd one; but we should not use the word “policy”

Piñata capitalism

Europe should have a stronger voice when it comes to reforms in the financial system

Visible immigrants

The only relevant question about immigrants is whether or not their children will go to university

Zapatero, stay cool. And if necessary, be boring.

Interview with Jos? Ignacio Torreblanca on what to expect from the Spanish EU Presidency in times of economic crisis and institutional innovation

The European grill

Every EU presidency faces unexpected crises; now Hait? is rapidly becoming the crisis that tests both the Spanish rotating presidency and the EU’s capacity for coordinating foreign policy action

A Bush under the tree

Obama has spent the year picking up the lost balls left behind by Bush, now he’s ready to play again in 2010

EU presidency baton goes to Spain

Spain will need to put national interests aside if it is to help give the post-Lisbon Europe real influence on the world stage

World climate authority

We only have one planet. But we are managing it by outdated means: sovereignty was good at controlling feudal lords a couple of hundred years ago. Perhaps it is in the area of the climate change that the supranational EU can be a model for the rest of the world?

Iron diplomacy

How is it that Spain, a country that has recently known a long dictatorship, is so insensitive to activists for democracy and human rights in other countries?