Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski i Unii Europejskiej: zmiana paradygmatu
Agresja Rosji na Ukrainę zburzyła podstawy gospodarczych i strategicznych stosunków Unii Europejskiej z Rosją, które do tej pory w dużej mierze opierały się na handlu…
Agresja Rosji na Ukrainę zburzyła podstawy gospodarczych i strategicznych stosunków Unii Europejskiej z Rosją, które do tej pory w dużej mierze opierały się na handlu…
What instruments does the EU have at its disposal to address the challenges related to the crisis? And what are the lessons learned from the refugee crisis in 2015?
Ahead of the EU summit, French and Polish experts will discuss the European security situation as the war in Ukraine unfolds. They will analyse the current developments, EU’s role in the conflict and challenges for the EU security and defence in the upcoming months
West do prevent an aggression against Ukraine? What does Kyiv expect from the EU and NATO? What is the future of the European security order? What are the perspectives of the key EU member states and Ukraine?
The green transition is vital to Europe’s future. Rebuilding economies to achieve climate neutrality is essential not only to avoid a catastrophe but also to…
Introductory remarks: Michał Kuź, Foreign Policy Expert, Jagiellonian Club There is a growing awareness that the EU should do more on defence given the strategic…
Since summer 2021, Poland and Lithuania have been confronted with an unprecedented action by the Lukashenko regime, which aims to exert political pressure on both…
Has Poland already entered the path of ‘Polexit’? What should the EU do to defend its legal space and protect the authority of the CJEU?
Europe’s covid-19 experience has been a tale of two pandemics – and the differences in each story could haunt the continent for many years to come
Paradoksalnie, aby spełnić oczekiwania wielu Europejczyków, Berlin będzie musiał zrewidować zasady merkelizmu, które to zaufanie stworzyły