European Power

Reinventing Europe: Desperately hanging on in Greece

As part of the ’Reinventing Europe' project, ECFR is publishing a series of papers on the national debates within EU member states over the crisis and the future direction of Europe. The seventh paper in the series examines the country in the epicentre of the crisis – Greece.  

Why the Norwegian EU option is best left to Norway

The Norwegian model is lauded as an ideal for British EU integration but there are deep flaws in Norway's relationship with the EU. The model is complex and costly, as well as problematic both in terms of democracy and national interest.  

The euro crisis is threatening the EU Single Market

No matter how the euro crisis is handled from here on, the Single Market will never again be what it was in the carefree years of the early 2000s. The Single Market will either shrink in terms of its geographical scope, will be reduced in its depth or even break up entirely.  

Who might win a British referendum on Europe?

As part of the ’Reinventing Europe' project, ECFR is publishing a series of papers on debates about the future of Europe. As a British EU referendum looks increasingly likely, YouGov has conducted fresh research for ECFR into the roots of British attitudes to Europe.  

Euro crisis entering dangerous third phase

First we had a banking crisis; then we added a sovereign debt crisis; now we also have a political crisis, and one that strikes to the heart of what the European Union was designed to achieve.  

Europe’s role in the Arab Spring

The outcome of the uprisings in North Africa is still in the balance and although it will be mainly up to the North Africans themselves to decide their future, Europe has a key role to play on the side of reform – especially Paris, Rome and Madrid.   

The euro crisis should not mean the end of enlargement

Enlargement is far from over, with Croatia due to join next year and other countries in the Western Balkans still working towards accession. And although the challenges are considerable, further expansion is not just in these countries’ interests but in the interests of the EU itself.  

What Europe should tell Mohammed Morsi

The Brussels visit of Egypt’s first democratically elected president Mohammed Morsi is a striking reminder of the changes that have swept the Arab world in the last 18 months. Europe should not miss a historic opportunity to rebuild relations with the most important country in the region.