A comprehensive fiscal union or Lisbon with sticks and carrots?
expert workshop to discuss fiscal capacities and models of economic governance
expert workshop to discuss fiscal capacities and models of economic governance
Is the “British question” also an Irish question? Mark Leonard talks to former Taoiseach John Bruton about how a British exit from the EU…
There are still countries in Europe where protestors enthusiastically wave the EU's star-studded flag rather than burning it in anger. These days Kiev's embattled EuroMaidan is as much the heart of the Union as the Schuman roundabout in Brussels. So who said Europe lacks a story and a cause?
We live today in a chaotic “no one’s world” devoid of global hegemony, which demands also from Europe to rethink its place in it. Does the European Union need a new global strategy as a response to the new challenges?
W siedzibie Fundacji Batorego odbyła się debata pt. „Europa w niczyim świecie: dlaczego UE potrzebuje strategii globalnej” zorganizowana przez ECFR
From a European perspective, the German coalition agreement is better that the status quo – but it does not contribute to the economic recovery of the eurozone, and it is disappointing when it comes to banking union
Luuk van Middelar, historiador, politólogo y adjunto al presidente van Rompuy, presenterá su libro “El paso hacia Europa – Historia de un Comienzo”. Intervendrán José Ignacio Torreblanca de ECFR Madrid y Joan Tarrida, director de Galaxia Gutemberg
The run-up to next month’s European defence summit is acquiring a surreal aura, as projects first mooted a decade ago are dusted off for ‘endorsement’ by the assembled national leaders – with no conviction in anyone’s heart that they will fare any better this time around
Towards a new EU foreign policy
In the third of three podcasts examining European global strategy ahead of an ECFR paper on the subject, we hear from Luuk van Middelar. …