The Euro Government
European current architecture has shown its weaknesses and today everybody seems aware of this. To overcome the crisis, we now need a real breakthrough which will enable Europe to come back as a global actor.
European current architecture has shown its weaknesses and today everybody seems aware of this. To overcome the crisis, we now need a real breakthrough which will enable Europe to come back as a global actor.
Quale futuro per l'Europa?
El auge de los partidos nacionalistas en Europa y la situación española. Conversación entre Àngels Barceló, José Ignacio Torreblanca y José María…
There has been consensus amongst the negotiators that the discussions had been positively led by Iran in a very different manner than previous talks. The key message from these rounds of talks is that the Iranian team provided details for their proposal rather than a vague or impractical framework
If Angela Merkel’s astounding electoral success is owed to her synchrony with the average German, then there is every reason to suspect that the new government will not deviate much from the preferences of the median German voter
This election shows how much Merkel’s pragmatism has sucked the life out of national politics. The result of her victory could be to suck it out of European politics next. Her politics of “small steps” will rule out decisive moves on banking union or debt
Germany will continue to dissapoint the rest of Europe. Angela Merkel will remain cautious and resistant to grand plans, no matter how much Europeans want her to act
On Sunday Germans will vote in a general election – but what does it mean for the rest of Europe? Can we expect more decisive leadership and a greater vision for Europe from Germany after the elections? Here is a short guide why this election matters to Europe