Zeitenwende: Germany as a pioneer in foreign and security policy?
A webinar on Germany’s change of course in defence spending amid the ongoing war in Ukraine
A webinar on Germany’s change of course in defence spending amid the ongoing war in Ukraine
The European Council on Foreign Relations in the context of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU is delighted to invite you to a debate on the principles that should guide Europe’s quest for economic sovereignty
West do prevent an aggression against Ukraine? What does Kyiv expect from the EU and NATO? What is the future of the European security order? What are the perspectives of the key EU member states and Ukraine?
This webinar will bring together a collection of EU and British views to see where everyone stands on the Russia-Ukraine crisis
This panel is part of the annual Japan-Europe Core Group Warsaw 2022 on “The Future of Russia-China Relations – Implications for European and Japanese Foreign Policy
What consequences could the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation intervention have for Kazakhstan and the geopolitical balance in Central Asia?
Should the next German government ditch Merkel’s “constructive dialogue” with Turkey and join France and Greece for a more confrontational approach?
How should Sweden and Europe adapt to the rise of geo-economics, keeping their markets open but minimizing their vulnerabilities?
What can the EU and NATO do to reduce the risk of escalation in the region?
What, if anything, can one say about the longer-term perspectives for the US-Russia relationship?