Iran: oltre il negoziato sul nucleare
Nucleare, Iran nella regione, Italia-Iran, Cosa dovrebbe fare l'Europa
Nucleare, Iran nella regione, Italia-Iran, Cosa dovrebbe fare l'Europa
Nuclear talks, Iran's potential role in MENA crisis's, Iran-Italy relations, What should Europe do
The toughest hurdles in this marathon diplomacy track have only just been encountered
As bombs fall on Gaza, France's deep-rooted preoccupation with Israel and Palestine is causing division within French society
Following the advance of ISIS in north-west Iraq, Toby Dodge of the LSE analyses the situation there, while Jeremy Shapiro of the Brookings Institution…
A toxic cocktail of greater radicalisation, lack of mediators and Binyamin Netanyahu do not bode well for the region
The EU is facing unprecedented instability in its neighbourhood in the wake of the Ukraine crisis and the Arab uprisings, at a time when Washington is also pulling back from the world. We are organising a conference to rethink Europe's strategy and policy approach to its southern and eastern neighbourhoods.
The jihadists have developed a comprehensive war economy that is fundamental to their strategy.
Those who hoped Morsi's overthrow would usher in order instead face a leadership that responds to economic and social challenges with abuses of freedom