BCM “Quel rôle pour l’Europe dans le règlement de la crise politique libyenne?”
Avec Mattia Toaldo et Florence Gaub
Avec Mattia Toaldo et Florence Gaub
Without a political strategy for Libya, military intervention may do more harm than good
Avec Mattia Toaldo et Karim Ben Cheikh
Con Daniel Levy y Mattia Toaldo, del programa ECFR MENA
Understanding oneself means to look at oneself from the view of others. The Maghreb region is a very crucial neighbourhood for the EU, yet little is known about their point of view. The region faces political, economical and security crises with instable governments, decreasing oil prices and terrorist formations. Europe has to engage more with these countries since it is clearly mutually beneficial. Furthermore, it would alter their view on Europe towards a more positive one. For that, the European Union has to encounter MENA countries on a level playing field.
How the lessons of Libya can help European policymakers respond to the wider migration crisis
How the lessons of Libya can help European policymakers respond to the wider migration crisis
Il Maghreb tra compromesso nazionale, staticità incerta, sfida jiadista, dissoluzione tribale. Dimensione politica e ricadute economiche
Maghreb between national compromise, immobility, jihadist challenge, tribal dissolution
How the EU can move on from a deal to support a peaceful post-revolution politics in Libya