Intervening better: Europe’s second chance in Libya
The unity government offers the best chance of stabilising Libya, stemming refugee flows and pushing back ISIS, and Europe should focus on strengthening it
The unity government offers the best chance of stabilising Libya, stemming refugee flows and pushing back ISIS, and Europe should focus on strengthening it
Is a long term solution to Libya’s civil war in sight? And what should the British government’s strategy be?
Il futuro delle relazioni Europa-Nord Africa
The future of relations between Europe and North Africa
The refugee crisis has altered Europe's and especially Germany's view on North Africa and triggered a renewed interest in cooperation. As part of the Berlin Foreign Policy Club series, our expert Anthony Dworkin presented and discussed his new book “Five years on: A new European agenda for North Africa” with our guests.
Germany has a lot to lose if the situation in Libya turns sour, but a lot to gain if diplomacy is given the support to succeed
Five years after the Arab uprisings in North Africa, the EU needs to avoid an “either-or” mentality on stability versus progress
Avec Mattia Toaldo et Florence Gaub
BCM du mercredi 17 février portant sur le rôle pour l'Europe dans le règlement de la crise poliique libyenne. Avec Mattia Toaldo, Policy Fellow à…
BCM du mercredi 10 février 2016 portant sur le rôle de l'Europe dans la résolution du conflit entre l'Iran et l'Arabie saoudite. Avec Julien Barnes-Dacey,…