Don’t close borders, manage them: how to improve EU policy on migration through Libya
Attempts to close Europe’s borders are counter-productive – legal channels must be opened in exchange for return of illegals
Attempts to close Europe’s borders are counter-productive – legal channels must be opened in exchange for return of illegals
Ultimately, the road to stability in Libya does pass through Cairo, but most importantly through Tripoli and Misrata
El pasado viernes 28 de abril, la oficina de ECFR en Madrid, organizó un desayuno de trabajo sobre la situación actual en Túnez y Libia y las principales opciones para Europa y para la política española
The alternative is the resumption of fighting at the levels of summer 2014, which led to the establishment of ISIS in the country
Whether the new EU migration agreement will work and whether it will respect migrants’ rights is an open question with the answer likely to be no
L'ECFR Paris a le plaisir de vous inviter à un nouveau BCM animé par Florence Gaub, Mattia Toaldo et Manuel Lafont Rapnouil
Podcast du Black Coffee Morning “Quelle stratégie pour l’après-Daech en Irak et en Libye ?” du 10/02, animé par Florence Gaub, Analyste senior…
The Maltese plan is less about managing migration and more about reducing the numbers arriving in Europe at any cost
Recent terror attacks in Berlin, Baghdad and Istanbul demonstrate that defeating ISIS militarily is only half the battle
El pasado 12 de diciembre, la oficina de ECFR Madrid organizó un evento sobre la situación en Túnez y Sahel titulado “Viajemos de Túnez al Sahel:…