Europe debates | Feministische Außenpolitik und militärisches Engagement sind inkompatibel
This debate is part of ECFR’s Re:shape Global Europe project funded by Stiftung Mercator
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This debate is part of ECFR’s Re:shape Global Europe project funded by Stiftung Mercator
We will discuss Germany’s role in Europe and will reflect on how the new European order is viewed in Berlin
A webinar on Germany’s change of course in defence spending amid the ongoing war in Ukraine
How will the new administrations in Germany and Japan impact the EU’s and Japanese Indo-Pacific strategy and China policy?
What are the expectations of the coalition´s foreign and security policies? Will Germany’s ambitious climate policy spark mirroring across the bloc?
ECFR’s Council Members – Europe’s leading decision-makers, opinion-shapers, and public intellectuals – gathered together on 9-10 December in Berlin for ECFR’s Annual Council Meeting to connect and discuss the myriad issues facing Europe and the European Union today
Zastanowimy się, co era Merkel znaczyła w historii tego kraju i jak dziedzictwo pani kanclerz wpływać będzie na jego dalsze losy
Which coalition is likely? Who are the winners and losers, and likely candidates for main political jobs?
On this night at De Balie we will discuss Germany’s political future and the impact of the election result on European integration and solidarity
What do European citizens expect from Germany’s next government, after 16 years of Angela Merkel? With little over a week to go until the elections, join a panel of pundits to analyse ECFR’s latest survey of attitudes of 16,000 citizens across 12 EU countries