Traffic light coalition seen from the outside: what does Europe think?
What are the expectations of the coalition´s foreign and security policies? Will Germany’s ambitious climate policy spark mirroring across the bloc?
Caroline de Gruyter , European Correspondent, NRC Handelsblad
Paul Maurice, Research Fellow, Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) , IFRI
Sebastian PÅ‚óciennik, Analyst, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
Chaired by
Jana Puglierin, Senior Policy Fellow & Head of Berlin office, ECFR
The European Council on Foreign Relations, in cooperation with the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ embassy in Berlin, is delighted to invite you to our online webinar discussing European perspectives on the new German government.
European eyes are on Germany these weeks, as the post-Merkel era unfolds. Expectations are high. There is a clear need in the EU for the new German government to be a powerful voice internationally, to espouse European values and defend European interests on the world stage.
Now that the first “Traffic Light Coalition” at national level has been formed, and the coalition of the SPD, Greens and FDP has presented its coalition agreement, Europe and Germany’s close partners are forming their outlook on what to expect from Germany in the next four years.
In our discussion, different European partners will present their expectations of the coalition´s foreign and security policies. As well as this, we will dive into its European policies. How will, for example, the FDP-led finance ministry shape a (post-) pandemic Europe? Will Germany’s ambitious climate policy spark mirroring across the bloc? And, with the rule of law under threat in Poland and Hungary, will the coalition take a more passive or active role?