What future for the transatlantic alliance?
How well does the transatlantic alliance still fit with the way that Europe and the United States now see their goals in foreign policy?
How well does the transatlantic alliance still fit with the way that Europe and the United States now see their goals in foreign policy?
To engage more confidently with a world that is changing, outward-looking Germans need to shape a progressive new national identity before it is defined by the forces of isolation and exclusion
Public faith in EU institutions has declined due to their handling of the covid-19 pandemic. However, citizens still believe in the need for greater cooperation
Join a panel of political pundits to help disentangle the public mood ahead of Biden’s first overseas trip
How central is the EU to the US and its interests in Europe? And how does the public in European countries view Biden’s America?
There are at least six reasons why public opinion on foreign policy should matter more today than it did in the past
Faced with a growing Sino-American rivalry and a world in which US power may be diminishing, Portugal will have to decide how to maintain its traditional Atlanticism while increasingly focusing on Europe
Nonostante a novembre gli europei abbiano festeggiato la vittoria di Joe Biden, la maggior parte rimane scettica sulla possibilità di assistere ad una ripresa globale della potenza statunitense
Donald Trump may have done lasting damage to the United States’ reputation even in pro-American Denmark
How do Europeans assess the future of transatlantic relations?