How Europeans see Biden’s America
How do Europeans assess the future of transatlantic relations?
How do Europeans assess the future of transatlantic relations?
Most Europeans rejoiced at Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential election, but they do not think he can help America make a comeback as the pre-eminent global leader
The event will launch an exciting new report by Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard, based on public opinion polling in 11 countries
Germany, together with France, aims to play a decisive role in the reconstruction of the post-coronavirus world
How can the frugal five become the transformative five? What issues concern voters the most after the recovery deal?
The Swedish government has more room than it thinks to champion the EU recovery fund – and thereby nurture pro-Europeanism, rather than Euroscepticism, among Swedish voters
New survey data from ECFR and Think Tank EUROPA reveal why Danes may be abandoning some of their traditional attitudes towards EU policy
The ‘frugal four’ are showing an admirable commitment to defending the rule of law. But they bear some responsibility in Hungary and Poland
The reputation of Austria, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and Sweden as ‘frugal states’ does not reflect public sentiment in these countries
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