Europa, ¿quo vadis?
La oficina de Madrid de ECFR organiza este evento en colaboración con la Fundación Bertelsmann para tratar sobre el futuro de la Unión Europea en esta nueva legislatura y sobre qué quieren realmente los ciudadanos
La oficina de Madrid de ECFR organiza este evento en colaboración con la Fundación Bertelsmann para tratar sobre el futuro de la Unión Europea en esta nueva legislatura y sobre qué quieren realmente los ciudadanos
The results of the European election confront EU leaders with a considerable challenge: navigating a new, more fragmented, and polarised political environment
Panel discussion at the Folkemødet with Susanne Baumann, Lykke Friis, Stina Soewarta and Catharina Sørensen
Summary of the debate about consequences of PE election for future shape of the European Union
Relacja z debaty o konsekwencjach wyborów do PE dla przyszłego kształtu Unii Europejskiej
With two thirds of Europeans voting for a pro-European party, the big challenge now is for the political groups to move beyond their status quo ways of working
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un Black Coffee Morning avec Susi Dennison, Pierre Vimont, Pawel Zerka et modéré par Laure Mandeville, sur le thème : « Ce que veulent les citoyens européens : un bilan des élections européennes »
Our national offices – and more! – analyse the results of yesterday’s European Parliament election from the view of their governments and national audiences
European politicians need to pick voters’ legitimate worries out amid the noise of populist fear-mongering. And then they need to provide leadership to address these worries.
Russia and migration remain issues that divide the Polish and Italian governments from each other. And such disharmony could yet stymie cooperation between right-wing populists after the European Parliament poll.