What Europeans Really Want: Fears and Hopes before the European Elections

Panel discussion: “What Europeans Really Want: Fears and Hopes before the European Elections”, with Ingrid Steiner-Gashi, Piotr Buras, Ivan Krastev, Ulrike Lunacek and Ivan Vejvoda


Ingrid Steiner-Gashi, Brussels Correspondent of the Kurier

Piotr Buras, Senior Policy Fellow and Head of ECFR Warsaw Office, European Council on Foreign Relations, and Europe’s Futures Fellow at IWM

Ivan Krastev, Chair of Centre for Liberal Strategies; Permanent Fellow, Vienna Institute for Human Sciences

Ulrike Lunacek, Former Vice President and Green Member of the European Parliament from Austria

Chaired by

 Ivan Vejvoda, Permanent Fellow, Vienna Institute for Human Sciences

Panel Discussion

What Europeans Really Want:
Fears and Hopes before the European Elections

Tuesday, May 21, 10:00 – 12:00 
IWM, Spittelauer Lände 3, 1090 Vienna
RSVPs to: [email protected]

70 percent of Europeans are yet to make up their minds on who they want to vote for, and nearly 100 million swing voters are up for grabs.

Just days ahead of the European election, and building on a comprehensive survey by the European Council on Foreign Relations, our distinguished panel will offer insight in how Europe’s new lawmakers can give the EU a renewed license to operate.

The elections themselves come in the middle of a heated debate about the future of Europe. What will it mean for the European Union if Eurosceptic parties gain control and how could the mainstream parties respond? What do the Europeans expect from the new European Parliament in the upcoming legislative term?


Organised cooperatively by the Europe’s Futures–Ideas for Action (a strategic partnership of ERSTE Foundation and IWM) and the European Council on Foreign Relations.