European Power

From Iran to North Korea, German policymakers are at a loss

Postwar German foreign policy is based on cooperation, rules and trust, not power, interest and threat. But with crises from Iran to North Korea likely to be play out the old-fashioned way, that approach looks naive

Dancing with the bear: Macron in China

In different ways, Macron and Xi exemplify the rise of individual authority and personal aura over party politics

Bulgaria: The unforeseen effects of the Presidency

Bulgarian politicians and officials will have to challenge the stereotypes about Bulgaria during their six month presidency and learn to strike coalitions in the EU

Austria: Russia’s Trojan Horse?

Europe should be worried about the new Austrian government’s proximity to Russia, not Hungary

Views from the capitals: European dreams for 2018

We asked our national offices to outline their governments’ greatest hope and greatest fear for foreign and European policy in 2018. 

Climate-driven migration in Africa

The total absence of European policies to address climate-driven migration from Africa is deeply concerning

The transatlantic divide on Iran

In 2017, differences between European leaders and US President Donald Trump on several global security objectives have strained transatlantic relations. Nowhere are these differences more…

EU defence efforts miss the open goal again

“Big noise on stairs, nobody coming down.” Alas, the old Chinese saying applies all too aptly to the European Union’s latest scheme for promoting defence…