European Power

Slovenia’s Greta Garbo syndrome

Findings from ECFR’s EU28 survey suggest that Slovenia has such a high expectation of potential partners that it risks to end up alone

The foundation of a sovereign Europe

European sovereignty can only be attained with the consent of its peoples, and with the protection of social solidarity and security, says Council Member Georgi Pirinski

America’s latest wave of Iran sanctions

The US has re-imposed its sanctions on Iran; the final part of our sanctions mini-series explains how the US will implement them

Spending to defend: NATO and the EU’s new budget

The European Union’s spending priorities in the next budget round could support both NATO’s changing defence requirements, and the EU’s standing with its own citizens, says ECFR Council Member Hanna Ojanen

Europe’s Iran dilemma

On Sunday, November 4, far-reaching sanctions will be re-imposed on Iran and its oil sector. The European Union is trying to preserve a version of the deal, but the recent incidents in Denmark and France have heightened the tensions.