European Power

Europe and China after Brexit: The 5G question

A decision looms for Britain on 5G and Huawei. London’s choice will signal whether it wishes to stay close to Europe when dealing with Beijing – or to go its own way

Murder in Berlin: Not just Germany’s problem

The Tiergarten hitman travelling freely across the Schengen area should prompt reflection in European capitals, and greater demands of Berlin to act. But a pan-European response remains unforthcoming

The Green Deal will make or break Europe

The European Union's new leadership has decided to invest much of its political capital in a plan to position Europe as the global leader in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy. But if too many constituencies feel as though they are being sacrificed on a green alter, the plan will never even get off the ground

Table scrap: Budget talks in a fragmented Europe

It will be difficult for the member states that are most invested in the EU’s global role to prevent a reduction in the external portion of its budget

Open Skies: Trump’s next big blunder?

Partisan argument in Washington is helping undermine the Open Skies Treaty. The US could lose one of the most useful instruments in its relations with Russia

Will Europe Ever Trust America Again?

As Western leaders gather in London this week, you might be able to detect a huge rupture beneath the surface