European Power

How Britain and the EU could cooperate on defence after Brexit

The UK will have to decide how involved it wants to be in EU defence efforts. It seems likely that the country’s aim will be to have flexible structures that allow it to plug into European foreign and defence policy where doing so is in its interests

How UK-EU trade cooperation can survive Brexit

The United Kingdom’s strategy should be to take a more considered, sectoral approach to trade – thereby strengthening its own internal market and its future relationship with key EU member states

Warming relations: UK-EU climate cooperation after Brexit

With Joe Biden about to enter the White House, London could need to display ambition on climate issues, or face being left behind by Washington and Brussels if they identified this policy area as a vehicle for rapprochement

How NATO should plan for the next ten years

NATO will only remain relevant to its members and contribute to international stability if the regional alliance acquires a global perspective

On the rocks: Malta-EU relations in times of crisis

What policymakers across the European Union care about most does not overlap with the priorities in Malta – and during covid-19 the country has been looking for policy partners beyond Europe

We need to pull our own weight

European strategic sovereignty means the capacity to preserve and foster human rights, liberal democracy, multilateralism, and a social and green market economy in an interdependent and complex world

A 6-point action plan for a transatlantic bargain

Politicians, academics, and other prominent senior experts from ECFR’s Council call on EU leaders to adopt a 6-point action plan for a transatlantic bargain