European Power

Prominent Europeans call for action on Ukraine

Shocked by the bloody crackdown in Ukraine in the past 24 hours, over 30 European political leaders and opinion-makers called today for swift action by the EU in support of European-minded Ukrainians. 

Act tough, think big: time to end the European illusion

If the EU wants to make its way towards serious credibility as an international actor, it must stop thinking exclusively in terms of soft power when it comes to foreign policy

Why Europe should step up its efforts in Libya

European support for Libya is difficult because of a deteriorating security situation and lack of clear institutions, but it would have an important impact on the region

The revenge of the German elite

Germany's foreign policy establishment responds to accusations of introversion, raising questions about the consequences of a reactivation of German foreign policy with more clearly defined interests

Making the most of Geneva II

The Geneva II conference on Syria will finally convene in Switzerland next week. Prospects for an immediate or dramatic breakthrough are decidedly bleak, yet that should not be the bar against which the merits of convening Geneva II should be measured

Why Europe can’t leave Asia to the US

Can Europeans safely ignore rising tensions in the Asia-Pacific? European policymakers may want to focus on their near neighbourhood and the transatlantic relationship but one way or the other they will have to deal with the fallout from rising tensions in Asia

Britain’s Bulgaria-Romania phobia

The panic in Britain over prospective Bulgarian and Romanian immigration is based on a misunderstanding of European rules. It is also at odds with the country's best traditions

European defence: ten years on

A  transformed world poses fundamental military and political questions that Europe's national leaders need to answer. Perhaps the most useful thing this week's summit could do is open the door to a thorough debate on the future of Europe's foreign policy

Europe’s strategic deficit

At their end-year summit, Europe’s 28 national leaders will take time out from their interminable wrangling over the economic crisis to discuss defence. Many Britons will find this very proposition bizarre, if not offensive