Diplomatic Breakfast: seguridad y estrategia europea
ECFR Madrid inaugura sus “Diplomatic Breakfasts”, dirigidos por Francisco de Borja Lasheras, debatiendo sobre el nuevo informe de ECFR Why Europe needs a new global strategy
ECFR Madrid inaugura sus “Diplomatic Breakfasts”, dirigidos por Francisco de Borja Lasheras, debatiendo sobre el nuevo informe de ECFR Why Europe needs a new global strategy
Öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion zur Vorstellung des EUISS Yearbook of European Security (YES) sowie des neuen ECFR-Policy Brief Why Europe needs a new Global Strategy
Anthony Giddens responds to a presentation by Susi Dennison on European global strategy, ahead of an ECFR paper that will examine Europe's place in…
The Eurosceptics do not support the existence of the EU and by extension they oppose the European Parliament, into which they are seeking election. If, as polls predict, Eurosceptics emerge with strong support, we may see a “self-hating Parliament” that ultimately wants to secure its own abolition
Mistrust is the basic idiom of Bulgarian politics. The prolonged crisis in Bulgaria exposes the bankruptcy of an entire political system in desperate need of renewal
Ahead of a paper that ECFR will publish shortly on global strategy, Susi Dennison introduces the paper's headline arguments about Europe's place in a…
¿Qué queda del Sur de Europa? ha sido el tema discutido por Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Andrés Ortega y José Ignacio Torreblanca, durante la presentación en España de la revista de geopolítica EAST
Warszawskie Biuro ECFR zaprasza na debatę zorganizowaną wspólnie z Fundacją Heinricha Bölla. Spotkanie będzie okazją do rozmowy nt. wyzwań stojących przed gospodarką związanych z transformacją do “zielonej ekonomii”. Czy będzie to szansa czy zagrożenie dla gospodarki Polski i Europy?
Mark Leonard talks to François Godement and Andrew Wilson about Iran and French foreign policy, the upcoming Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius, and the…
What place should the international community give to justice and accountability in its response to conflicts involving mass atrocities? A new ECFR project analyses a series of cases where international efforts to end conflict have taken different approaches to justice