The Eurosceptic surge and how to respond to it
Pro-Europeans should create space for battles between competing visions of Europe
Pro-Europeans should create space for battles between competing visions of Europe
In which direction is the German foreign policy evolving and what are the consequences for the EU?
Borja Cabezón, candidato a las elecciones europeas para el PSOE, habla de los retos del próximos Parlamento Europeo y las propuestas socialistas para la…
Ukraine crisis shows Berlin’s Russia policy is out of date
The EU's call to refer Syria to the International Criminal Court stands as a reminder of how few options the EU has
José M. de Areilza, Cátedra Jean Monnet-ESADE, habla con Borja Lasheras de ECFR Madrid sobre su último libro “Poder y…
Come rispondere all'avanzata dell'Euroscetticismo
Presentation of “The Eurosceptic surge and how to respond to it”, by Mark Leonard and José Ignacio Torreblanca
How have recent events in Crimea affected the Ukrainian position on energy? What would be the energy implications of a federalisation of Ukraine? And in the run-up to the next European Council in June, focusing on energy security, what should the EU do to help?
Europe should keep a firewall between nuclear talks with Iran and the standoff over Ukraine with Russia