What is the impact of targeted sanctions?
Daniel Drezner, Professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, explains
Daniel Drezner, Professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, explains
Closing our borders to keep the others away is precisely what ISIS wants
France's call for European support in response to Paris attacks is an opportunity for the EU to renew cohesion over military cooperation
Angela Stanzel moderated the discussion on the central question “India and China – competition or cooperation”. The debate led to the conclusion that whilst India and China are cooperating in many aspects such as economy, there is no exchange at ohter levels. Apparently, China and India do not recognise each other as growing economic super powers.
Angela Merkel finds herself under heavy pressure domestically for her stance on migration
France’s focus on Africa at Valetta may be a casualty of the Paris massacres
Renewed focus on foreign policy responses on migration following Valetta and Paris attacks brings London back into the picture
ЕСВП София, в сътрудничество със Софийски форум за сигурност, организира събитие за възможните отговори на бежанската криза
ECFR Sofia organises an international workshop on the possible responses to the refugee crisis
Beneath the talk of unity and common anxiety, three dividing lines are opening up across Europe – how they are resolved will determine whether the EU emerges stronger with its values intact