European Power

Destination unknown: The EU’s many-faceted migration fears

As our new Security Scorecard shows, Europeans have diverging perceptions of security challenges facing them – however, all but one EU governments see uncontrolled migration as a national security threat

The “more Europe” core four

New ECFR research reveals the Franco-German tandem has a pair of outriders supporting it. But Europe-wide drive for deeper integration is lacking

The end is Nile: International cooperation on Egypt’s water crisis

Ethiopia is building Africa's largest dam, crucial to its energy security and economic growth. It is also causing issues with neighbours on the Nile, particularly Egypt, which could suffer from absolute water scarcity once the project is complete. 

Europe for itself

As US President Donald Trump continues to wage war on the American-led international order, Europeans can no longer assume that their interests are synonymous with those of the US. The time has come for the European Union to redefine its interests, and to develop a new strategy for defending them