New Atlanticism

The new tyranny of the dollar

Among the many legacies that US President Donald Trump received from his predecessors is a “secondary sanctions” regime that allows the US to bar malign actors from most of the global economy. Under Trump, however, this sophisticated set of tools has become a bludgeon with which to threaten allies

Hand-outs and bail-outs: China’s lobbyists in Italy

Italy's new coalition government is moving the country on the path to bankruptcy, causing Italy to look overseas at China for support in pressuring the EU to bail them out

Bankless task: can Europe stay connected to Iran?

Despite the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the reimposition of economic sanctions, Europe remains committed to maintaining ties with Iran

China and the last of the multilateralists

As the trade war between China and the United States heats up, Europeans should think hard about who they turn to for assistance 

Present at the Destruction

At the UN General Assembly last week, it was clear to most that the post-war multilateral system is now an artifact of a bygone era. The new world order that is currently emerging will be defined less by shared principles, and more by the whims of individual leaders and governments

Fort Trump, Fortress Poland?

Brussels insiders may look askance at Polish entreaties to Donald Trump. But western EU member states share some of the blame for strained relations too