National Politics

Europe’s emigration paradox

Emigration is as much a worry for some European citizens as immigration, if not more so. What should the EU and member states do about this?

Salvini goes global

Matteo Salvini’s enthusiasm for Trump did not win him a meeting with the president; and his Washington visit this week may undermine Italy in Europe

The end of monogamy in Europe?

With two thirds of Europeans voting for a pro-European party, the big challenge now is for the political groups to move beyond their status quo ways of working

Fear will save the EU

Pro-European parties can leverage voters’ anxieties to come out on top in election

Borrell returns: His vision for Europe

A conversation between Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell and José Ignacio Torreblanca ahead of the European elections

Spain: The European oasis

Spaniards remain fervent believers in the European project despite the lasting effects of 2008 financial crisis.