If opinion polls showed Macron far behind National Rally, the legitimacy for him to appoint von der Leyen is much smaller
Media mentions – European Elections
The EPP is a silent winner, maintaining its seats and remaining the largest political group
ECFR quoted by EuroNews on Macron’s call for legislative elections
The immigration crisis, to the extent there is one, it’s just one of five or six big crises, which have rocked the European Union over the last 15 years
Although they are rivals in many aspects, they may be tempted to advance together on some laws on which they generally agree, such as their vision of immigration or some climate-related legislation
When you look at Giorgia Meloni, Marine Le Pen and the AfD leaders, they have very different opinions on many issues. Meloni, Kaczyński or Orbán, for example, have a very strong social agenda
Eurozone is still attractive, but we must focus on the difference in the approach between small and large economies