Wider Europe

Kosovo: The need for dialogue

The 10th anniversary of independence is a good moment for Kosovo to look forward and ask what sort of state it wants to be

Overseeing Kosovo’s conditional independence

The lesson of Kosovo's transition to independence is the value of the ‘ICO model’; a timebound mandate and a commitment to local ownership, transparency and respect

Kosovo’s path to independence

Kosovo’s independence has become an irreversible fact, even if Serbia, Russia, and some other countries persist in their denial of reality

Why Ukraine should become a Balkan country

Ukrainian politicians, diplomats, journalists and intellectuals should start paying more attention to how the countries of South-Eastern Europe (SEE) are currently preparing for their entry into the European Union. Kyiv can accelerate its own European integration by entering a number of SEE cooperation formats specifically designed to prepare the Western Balkan states for their future EU membership. 

Ankara’s EU charm offensive

Turkey seems finally to be settling for a second-tier “privileged partnership” with Europe

Austria: Russia’s Trojan Horse?

Europe should be worried about the new Austrian government’s proximity to Russia, not Hungary