Wider Europe

Putting Moldova on the map

The European Union is the only political actor with the credibility to find a solution to the current crisis in Moldova writes Nicu Popescu

Europe’s Next Revolution

The demonstrations in Moldova are unlike Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution”. They have been far from peaceful and have not been provoked by voting fraud. In this situation, the EU has a number of cards to play

What’s Left?

The neo-liberal discourse dominant in the last three decades has collapsed. But what is the state of the European Left?

Bulgaria’s Electoral Adventurism

Bulgaria’s president has campaigned for the Communist party, while MPs think that European states should learn from Azeri electoral practices

An open letter to EU leaders

Ahead of the G20 summit, ECFR calls on EU leaders to show the vision and leadership to develop a coordinated position on the financial crisis

The Eastern Partnership in crisis

What is the likely impact of the crisis on the Eastern Partnership, the attempt to resuscitate the European neighbourhood policy and focus EU’s political attention on the East?

A complicated relationship

Following France?s return to NATO military command this week, relations between Paris and Berlin remain complex

The return of “Eastern Europe”

The term “Eastern Europe” suggests a new division of Europe. But it also highlights how integrated and interdependent Europe has become

More trouble ahead

Endless political infighting and the economy in the doldrums – as if the gas dispute weren’t bad enough, Ukraine is lurching from one crisis to another