
Votes for sale: How Moldova can combat Russia’s election meddling

Moldova’s two upcoming elections will shape its EU ascension trajectory; but Russian interference threatens its democratic process. Moldova and EU policymakers should now collaborate to combat voter bribery and disinformation, especially in its Russian-speaking regions

Rebooting EU-India relations: How to unlock post-election potential

Ties between Brussels and New Delhi have long struggled to reach their potential. After their respective elections, shared geopolitical concerns about China and common goals on topics from technology to economic security can provide a chance for a reboot

Democracy under siege: Tackling Russian interference in Moldova

Moldova’s recent local elections faced unprecedented levels of Russian interference. In the lead up to the presidential election next year, the EU should help Moldova counter these threats before it’s too late

Election quake: An opportunity for a more European Dutch foreign policy

The next Dutch government will come to power amid a broad national consensus on several foreign policy topics. To capitalise on this opportunity, it will need to break with some of the traditional norms of Dutch European policy


Votes for sale: How Moldova can combat Russia’s election meddling

Moldova’s two upcoming elections will shape its EU ascension trajectory; but Russian interference threatens its democratic process. Moldova and EU policymakers should now collaborate to combat voter bribery and disinformation, especially in its Russian-speaking regions

Rebooting EU-India relations: How to unlock post-election potential

Ties between Brussels and New Delhi have long struggled to reach their potential. After their respective elections, shared geopolitical concerns about China and common goals on topics from technology to economic security can provide a chance for a reboot

Democracy under siege: Tackling Russian interference in Moldova

Moldova’s recent local elections faced unprecedented levels of Russian interference. In the lead up to the presidential election next year, the EU should help Moldova counter these threats before it’s too late

Election quake: An opportunity for a more European Dutch foreign policy

The next Dutch government will come to power amid a broad national consensus on several foreign policy topics. To capitalise on this opportunity, it will need to break with some of the traditional norms of Dutch European policy

Showdown: What to expect from Spain’s general election

While Spain’s People’s Party leads the polls, obscure alliances and voter concerns leave the country’s future direction – and its impact on next year’s European Parliament elections – uncertain

How the West should prepare for the Turkish elections

The US and the EU should refrain from making any interventions during Turkey’s election period – but they may need to respond quickly depending on the results of the vote



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