
China Olympics blog

A daily blog following key political stories in China during the Beijing Olympics

You break, you pay: Why the West should start confiscating frozen Russian assets now

Ukraine’s Western allies are discussing the possibility of confiscating frozen Russian sovereign assets to support Ukraine’s reconstruction. But if confiscated during the war, these funds could provide desperately needed – and stable – financial support for Kyiv’s war effort

Czy Europa może ocalić Euromajdan?

Sytuacja na Ukrainie uległa dramatycznemu pogorszeniu. Pięcioro ludzi zostało zabitych w środę (23.01), niektórzy zostali wręcz pobici na śmierć, a kolejne starcia są możliwe w niedzielę.

Dirty tricks undermine media freedom in Ukraine

Ukraine’s bright “Orange Revolution” has faded, leeched of its liberal colours by the authoritarian government of President Viktor Yanukovych. Now, media freedom is under assault as well.