Ulrike Guérot

Happy Birthday, New Germany!

The New Germany turns twenty this weekend. The country is rightly celebrating unification, and the economic success that has followed. But Berlin seems unable to cope with the new pivotal role in Europe that stems from its success story. Instead of looking for somebody else to write the script for Europe, New Germany needs to take responsibility and help the EU establish a global role

Immer weniger Europa

Das neue Deutschland wächst sichtlich aus dem europäischen Haus heraus. Es profitiert von der EU, will Sie aber nicht führen und sieht sich stattdessen noch in der europäischen Opferrolle. Ist der Preis für Europa wirklich so hoch? Und sind wir nicht der große Nutznießer in der EU?

Germany goes global: farewell, Europe?

The great engine both of Europe’s economic strength and its political unity is falling out of love with its creation. Some fear that Germany has outgrown Europe – but either way the consequences of German disaffection are profound for both the EU and its other member states

Eine St?tze fur den Euro

Der Euro braucht eine institutionelle Komplettierung und es h?ngt ganz wesentlich von Deutschland ab, ob das erreicht wird oder nicht

The new Europe

Lisbon Treaty, Von Rompuy, Ashton, External Action Service: what does it all mean for Europe?

A Franco-German revival?

French and German ministers are set to meet in Paris on 4 February. While it looks like the engine that helps drive Europe is running again, we may get nothing more than handshakes

After Lisbon: Is Europe becoming a global power?

The European Union will start 2010 under von Rompuy and Ashton. This duo is supposed to provide the Union with a single voice in the wider world. Will it?

When bad news goes unnoticed

With the rest of Europe preoccupied with the van Rompuy and Ashton appointments, the French Europe Minister, Pierre Lellouche, picked the best time to announce some bad news: there will no joint Franco-German minister