Susi Dennison

Lessons for the Left

The parties of the European Left have still to establish clear positions on the nativist vs internationalist debate that defines contemporary politics

UK election: Brexit is back

Corbyn’s focus on the domestic issues behind the Brexit vote, rather than on Brexit itself, may prove to be the better campaign strategy

Views from the Capitals: Working with President Macron

Macron’s win was received with a sigh of relief across Europe, but what follows cannot be “politics as usual”. Can he garner support in the European Union?

Will Germany make room for Macron?

France is ready to come back to the centre of the European project, but Germany will need to compromise to make things work

Brexit looms large over UK election

The Prime Minister’s opportunistic decision to capitalise on her strong domestic standing is complicated by the international context

Brexit and Europe’s new insurgent parties

As the political earthquake caused by the UKIP-orchestrated British leave vote reverberates across the EU, the full force of European anti-establishment parties is hitting home

Reforming the Common European Asylum System

The political crisis surrounding the handling of refugee inflows in the EU has now reached a stage where there is too much bad blood for a “more of the same” approach to have much hope of working

Bear any burden, and Paying the price

The EU should broaden the scope of what is expected of member states on burden sharing on refugee crisis, within more formalised, intergovernmental co-operation according to two papers from ECFR