Susi Dennison

France blazes a lonely trail

France did not seem inclined to build coalitions on foreign policy in 2014, preferring to go it alone – which made it less effective as a foreign policy leader

Britain is still a leader in European foreign policy

In spite of the rising tide of anti-European rhetoric, the UK’s diplomats are still cooperating with Europe and driving foreign policy initiatives within the EU framework

Europe’s foreign policy: Resilience meets mediocrity

Europe’s image and soft power continues to fade around the world but Europe's foreign policy did not unravel in 2012. The EU managed to preserve the essence of its acquis diplomatique.  

Does size matter? Small states and EU foreign policy

The efforts of smaller states in 2012 give reason to hope that over time, the power that lies in the EU’s diversity could be unlocked and used to make the EU's foreign policy more effective.  

The EU and Algeria: reasons for hope

Algeria did not catch fire in the year of the Arab Spring, but this does not mean that it does not deserve the attention of the EU. Algeria needs to reform if it is to remain stable, and it needs European help to do so.