An overhaul of peacekeeping begins?
European states face a common, and interconnected, dilemma at the UN and in NATO ? how to project force credibly
European states face a common, and interconnected, dilemma at the UN and in NATO ? how to project force credibly
Enlarged G8 summits are proving to be inefficient and the EU bears much of the blame
The EU should cooperate more with the UN in peacekeeping missions if it wants to show its ?effective multilateralism? is backed up by muscle
The debacle in the UN could be the precursor of more clashes over human rights, with Europe as a target
Europe’s military is beating the retreat just as the world’s emerging powers are expanding their presence ? an early sign perhaps of a new international order
Last year’s Congo crisis brought home the EU’s limitations as a global power. Will it accept them or try to overcome them? Richard Gowan discusses
A European Parliament debate on the EU?s role on the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) comes at an embarrassing moment
The Congo crisis demonstrated the UN’s limitations, but its longest-lasting effect may be to mark the end of European military interventions in Africa
If the EU or the UN send in substantial reinforcements, rebel leader Laurent Nkunda might pre-empt them by seizing Goma and take peacekeepers hostage
There are clear signs that the EU’s influence at the UN is declining in one of the areas on which it is most united: human rights