Experts & Staff

José Ignacio Torreblanca

Head, ECFR Madrid
Senior Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise

Technology and geopolitics, EU strategic autonomy; disinformation and influence operations


Spanish, English


José Ignacio Torreblanca is a senior policy fellow and head of the Madrid office of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a position he has held since the launch of ECFR across Europe in 2007.  Torreblanca is also Professor of Political Science at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) in Madrid.

He is a weekly columnist in EL MUNDO as author of the blog “Café Steiner” and a weekly contributor on RNE (Spanish National Radio) and RTVE. Previously, he was Editorial Director of EL PAIS where he also authored a weekly column in the International Section and a blog.

Torreblanca holds a PhD in Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Are we back to 1914, 1938, 1945 or 1989?

Ten years ago, the consensus was that the Cold War was ancient history, but recent events in the Ukraine make clear that it is not as distant of a memory as it once seemed

Europe’s big tax scam

It is hard to believe that Juncker knew nothing of the recent LuxLeaks tax scandal, but political deception is not a better alternatie

Where has good old Britain gone?

While the UK used to be on the forefront of human rights, David Cameron's party is poised to change this dramatically with talks of withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights

Israel’s time is running out

As more and more European countries decide to recognise the Palestinian State, Israel faces the threat of losing international legitimacy. 

Who will the new European Commission serve?

A breakdown of the recent votes by the European Parliament to approve the incoming European Commission, headed by former prime minister of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker.  

Juncker’s Commission is crumbling

Some dubious appointments are causing strong resistance to Juncker's Commission within the European Parliament

The New World Disorder

As a marked increase in conflict causes instability across the globe, the West can only watch international order unravel

The Russian mirror has broken

Putin has diverted Russia's course from modernisation to revisionism in order to shore up the power of a small elite



Showdown: What to expect from Spain’s general election

While Spain’s People’s Party leads the polls, obscure alliances and voter concerns leave the country’s future direction – and its impact on next year’s European Parliament elections – uncertain

Ukraine one year on: When tech companies go to war

The war in Ukraine has reinforced the strategic role of global tech giants in defence and security policy. NATO and the EU should learn from this as they try to deter future aggressors

Why Ukraine has won the right to join NATO

The new European security order should be based on Ukraine’s security, not Russia’s. This will require Ukraine to join NATO and the EU

Views from the capitals: Russia’s war on Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine will change Europe forever. Experts from across ECFR’s network of offices describe the view of the war from Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia, and Warsaw



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