It’s complicated: The Russia-China Axis
This event is part of the German Forum on Security Policy, organised by the Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS).
This event is part of the German Forum on Security Policy, organised by the Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS).
Will new dependencies and partnerships develop in Europe and the world in the future? What role will international institutions play? Are we entering a post-American world?
With the EU’s High Representative as our honoured guest, the panel will explore the birth of a geopolitical Europe and the new dimensions of European power with a focus on the tech, economic, and security terrains
A webinar on Germany’s change of course in defence spending amid the ongoing war in Ukraine
What are the expectations of the coalition´s foreign and security policies? Will Germany’s ambitious climate policy spark mirroring across the bloc?
In Poland, as well as across the EU, we witness a battle between these two narratives. Depending on which of them prevails, EU countries and institutions may choose to react more or less firmly to the Polish challenge – with lasting consequences for the EU’s future shape
On this night at De Balie we will discuss Germany’s political future and the impact of the election result on European integration and solidarity
What do European citizens expect from Germany’s next government, after 16 years of Angela Merkel? With little over a week to go until the elections, join a panel of pundits to analyse ECFR’s latest survey of attitudes of 16,000 citizens across 12 EU countries
Discussion with key representatives from the major parties on their party’s vision on German foreign & security policy. How are parties responding to the new challenges and how do they want to secure the support of the voters?
How do Europeans see the future of EU crisis management? What are the EU military capabilities? How does the EU’s defence initiatives complement those of NATO?