François Godement

Sarkozy’s tightrope act on China

Sarkozy’s attempts to establish a solid basis for a strategic partnership with China are useful to the EU as a whole. In French

Sarkozy and the Olympics

Nicolas Sarkozy will soon announce whether he will attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics. He should definitely go

For Tibet, Barroso’s China visit is key

During his upcoming visit to China, EC President Barroso will need to convince the Chinese leadership to begin talks with the Dalai Lama

Tibet – avoiding the tie-break

EU governments should put concrete demands to the Chinese government, including a comprehensive review of its Tibet policy

One China against one dream

The events shaking the wider Tibetan area should lead both the Chinese government and its international partners to a deep reconsideration of past policies

Democratic Asia changes course

In the past few years, almost all of East Asia’s fully fledged democracies have changed leadership – but this has gone rather unnoticed by European observers who focus on China alone

The EU meets China: united we stand?

The EU delegation has prepared an unusually full agenda for the annual EU-China Summit. However, there is a real danger they will go home empty-handed, and the Chinese will hijack the event to lecture about Taiwan and the Dalai Lama

China and the world – convergence or collision?

Will the rise of China lead to inevitable conflict on the international stage? Or will China mellow and adapt to international norms as it grapples with the new requirements of its phenomenal growth?

Burma: Sharing Power with the Generals

Targeted sanctions are a good idea ? but the goal must be to convince the Junta that they are better off with a political process