Experts & Staff
Francisco de Borja Lasheras

Francisco de Borja Lasheras

ECFR Alumni · Head of ECFR Madrid Office & Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise

Multilateral diplomacy, European foreign and security policy, Spanish foreign policy, EU enlargement in the Western Balkans, Ukraine, nation-building


Spanish, English, French, German, conversational Serbo-Croat & basic Russian


Francisco de Borja Lasheras worked for ECFR until February 2018. 



A Great European Society?

The return of identity politics and nationalism has put the postmodern Europe that sought to dilute and mitigate national and regional identities on the ropes

Curtain comes down on Balkan Hague tribunals

Many crimes remain unanswered for, but with the Hague phase essentially over, it is about time for the difficult process of reconciliation

Views from the capitals: What to do about Turkey?

Can the EU-Turkey relationship be salvaged? Key EU capitals give their views

Views from the Capitals: Working with President Macron

Macron’s win was received with a sigh of relief across Europe, but what follows cannot be “politics as usual”. Can he garner support in the European Union?

Turn the search light outwards

In focusing exclusively on Western crimes, parts of the European Left are letting Putin and Assad off the hook for Syria and Ukraine

Ukraine’s rising Euroscepticism

Ukraine’s pivot towards the West has barely begun, but fatigue and frustration are already setting in

Letter to a besieged Europe

Francisco de Borja Lasheras gives a wake-up call for Europe to address its most pressing challenges before it is too late


In the media