The fall of the Afghan government and what it means for Europe

How will the Western withdrawal impact on the state of European defence and military capabilities?

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The collapse of Afghan government forces and the rapid seizure of power by the Taliban has unleashed a series of intense debates about the implications for Europe. How will the Western withdrawal impact on the state of European defence and military capabilities? Are we likely to see a shift in Europe’s relationship with other powers – such as Turkey, China, and the United States?

In this week’s podcast, host Mark Leonard talks with Jeremy Shapiro, ECFR’s research director, and senior policy fellows Asli Aydintaşbaş and Andrew Small about what the withdrawal of Western forces from Afghanistan means for Europe and the future of transatlantic relations.

This podcast was recorded on 8 September 2021.

Further Reading:


Cover image:
Image by The U.S. Army

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