ECFR’s World in 30 minutes: Iran and Annual Council Meeting

Mark Leonard talks to Dick Oosting and Ellie Geranmayeh about the nuclear talks in Iran, the aftermath of the European elections and the upcoming ECFR Annual Council Meeting.


–  The Colonel by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
Détente with Iran: how Europe can maximise the changes of a final nuclear deal by Ellie Geranmayeh
Democracy Disrupted: the Politics of Global Protest by Ivan Krastev
Diego Hidalgo, the vision of a philantropist , edited by Pilar Sánchez Millas
The EU's sanctions regime against Iran in the aftermath of the JPA by Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi

For more information about the ECFR Council meeting, go to and look for #ECFRmeeting on Twitter.

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